Privacy policy 

Pursuant to Article 13 (1) and (2) of Regulation (EU) 2016 /679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons in connection with the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter referred to as RODO), we inform you, that:
1. The owner of the website ​ and the controller of personal data is MarTech Compass sp. z o.o. (“Administrator”) - with its registered office in ​Żelazna 51/53, 00-841 Warsaw, Polska.

2​. Personal data shall be processed on the basis of Article 6(1)(a) and (b) RODO, i.e. on the basis of a voluntarily given consent and actions aimed at entering into an agreement, for the purpose of presenting offers concerning employment, as well as conducting recruitment processes.

3. The recipients of personal data will be employees/co-workers of the Administrator, MarTech Compass sp. z o.o., companies providing IT support services to the Administrator, as well as the Administrator's clients and contractors.

 4. The personal data will be processed until the consent is revoked and - based on separate regulations - for the purposes related to the assertion of possible claims, will be stored for further 10 years.

 5. The Administrator does not intend to transfer personal data to a third country or international organization.

6. You have the right to:- demand access to your personal data, their rectification, completion, deletion or restriction of processing, as well as the right to data portability,* withdraw your consent to data processing at any time; withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of processing, which was carried out on the basis of consent before its withdrawal,* file a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection.

7. Your personal data will not be used for profiling, including automated decision-making.

8. Once the processing of your personal data for the original purpose, the data will be processed only for the purpose specified in point 4.

9. Within the company , pursuant to Article 37 of the RODO, we have appointed a team responsible for exercising the function of Data Protection Officer. The person responsible for exercising the function of the Inspector is Paweł Sadowski. The contact address for the Inspector is

Use of cookies on the website 
Our websites may use “cookies” which are used to identify the user's session when using our website. These files ensure proper operation of the Site. Cookies are text files that are stored on the Website User's terminal device. They usually contain the name of the site from which they originate, the time they are stored on the end device and a unique number. Cookies used on ​ do not store any personal data or other information collected from users.

Data collection:
As is standard practice for most Web sites, we store HTTP requests directed to our server. This means that we know the public IP addresses from which users browse the information content of our site. The content viewed is identified by URLs. We also know, among other things:

- time of arrival of the request,
- the time the response was sent,
- URL of the page previously visited by the user (referer
link) - in case the ​ site was accessed via a link,
- information about the user's browser.

This data is not associated with specific individuals browsing ​ In order to ensure the highest possible quality of the site, we occasionally analyze log files to determine which pages are visited most often, which web browsers are used, whether the structure of the site is error-free, etc.

Use of data:
The collected data are stored as support material for the administration of the site. The information contained in them is not disclosed to anyone except those authorized to administer the server
and the Martech Compass sp. z o.o. network. Based on the log files, statistics may be generated as an aid to administration. Aggregate summaries in the form of such statistics do not contain any identifying characteristics of visitors to the site.

Types of cookies:
Two types of cookies are used: “session” cookies and “permanent” cookies (persistent cookies). “Session” cookies are temporary files that are stored on the User's terminal device until the User logs out, leaves the site or the browser Internet browser. “Permanent” cookies are stored on the User's terminal device User for the time specified in the parameters of cookies or until time they are deleted by the User.

Operation of the cookie  Target
Primary action These types of cookies are essential for managing the Websites. They allow us to recognize what type of user you are and provide appropriate services according to that.
Operation / Analytics We use these cookies to analyze how our sites are accessed, used and how they work.
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